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- Donation | Yhif
DONATION LET US MAKE A CHANGE IN SOCIETY Thanks for your support! Support Our Cause Leave a one-time donation First name Last name Email Donate in the name of: Honoree name: How did you hear about us? Enter the amount you wish to pay: ₹ Donate Thank you for helping us make a difference!
- Skill Development Program | Yhif
SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM “The number of skilled workers and their dedication determines the number of industries in that region” India is having huge population but still we lack in number of skilled workers in different technologies. Skill Development Program aims at increasing the number of skilled workers for local and foreign technology to match industrial standards which will attract industries to set up their plants and projects in the region. SDP By YHIF is a three phased program aims at increasing the skill level of local youth matching industrial standards and make them employable. Basic This part focus on basic skills and aims at training a person in basic skills like computer typing, accounts etc so as he/she can get their livelihood at least. Advanced In this a person will be trained in association of local Industries so as to adopt domestic technology and can earn livelihood and enhance Indian industry. Foreign In this a person will be trained in association with foreign countries or Industries to be skilled for that technology and can earn a fancy livelihood and attracting Foreign Industries to operate locally.
- Volunteer | Yhif
VOLUNTEER Young Hopes of India Foundation is looking for individuals who are willing to learn by doing. Volunteers provide a supportive hand to make a task successful, and YHIF is always looking for dedicated volunteers. An individual can help with tech support, event coordination, marketing assistance, meeting coordination, and many other tasks. Want to be part of YHIF as Volunteer? APPLY NOW
- Shipping and Delivery | Yhif
Shipping and Delivery
- Corporate Social Responsibility | Yhif
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILTY Corporate Social Responsibility is a type of self-regulation practiced by national and international corporations that aims to support philanthropic, activist, or charitable societal goals by supporting or engaging in volunteer work. Encourage brand partnerships that utilize the strength of your legacy and our creativity to develop strategies that define your organization. Supporting elevated initiatives in entrepreneurship development, rural development, skill development, and education will assist you in accomplishing your CSR goals with us. Kindly contact for funding opportunities for CSR and other ventures.
- Partner with us | Yhif
PARTNER WITH US We aim to be a trusted partner, operating with honesty and in full transparency, never sacrificing long-term value for short-term results. We believe in long term relationship with you and offering different partnership models for different groups and individuals. Our model is based on the concept of cooperation, which entails sharing of ideas, experience and knowledge, and best practices in order to foster evolving alliances that empower YHIF to achieve greatest impact and reach. We appreciate collaborations with educational establishments, schools, colleges, universities, NGOs, and other entities for campaigns or other initiatives. If you want to make a change in society, reach out to Young Hopes of India foudnation: Contact YHIF
- Our Work | Young Hopes Of India Foundation
INITIATIVES Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) To solve the increasing problem of unemployment the only solution is entrepreneurship and for creating more number of Entrepreneurs. Young Hopes of India Foundation has designed a three phased Entrepreneurship Development Program. Learn More Rural Development Program (RDP) For providing opportunities to rural youth, Young Hopes of India Foudnation has designed Rural Development Program which involves a training program to enhance Rural activities, simple management, cooperative skills of youth so they can develop their local villages by simple but magnificent ideas. RDP by YHIF works on the simple rural principles in an organized manner. It will be covering three major Rural kind of projects Learn More Leadership Development Program (LDP) “The direction of development of a society depends on the direction of its leader”. Good leaders in different fields of society contribute to upliftment of living standards of that community. We all know that India is home for more den 1.2 billion population and for this huge population we need different leaders in different fields. Learn More Skill Development Program (SDP) Skill Development Program aims at increasing the number of skilled workers for local and foreign technology to match industrial standards which will attract industries to set up their plants and projects in the region. SDP By YHIF is a three phased program aims at increasing the skill level of local youth matching industrial standards and make them employable. Learn More
- Conclave | Young Hopes Of India Foundation
ENTREPRENEURSHIP & RURAL DEVELOPMENT CONCLAVE 2019 Keeping pace with the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister on Startup India, Make in India, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan etc., National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) Chandigarh joined hands in 2019 with Young Hopes of India Foundation; Panjab University, Chandigarh; Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh; and Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar to work specifically on the Entrepreneurship & Rural Development and for the same organized Entrepreneurship and Rural Development Conclave. Entrepreneurship & Rural Development Conclave was organized on 17-20 December 2019 to enhance support and give boost to Rural Development through establishment of new projects. The aim is to spread awareness about roles and responsibilities of various stake holders in establishing different rural entrepreneurship projects. Day 1 : One Day Conference on Need of Entrepreneurship Development Day 2 : One Day Conference on Innovative Rural Development Projects Day3 : One Day Conference on SAGY (Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna) Day 4 : Concluding Ceremony Theme The broad theme of the conclave is to create a platform to collaborate different stake holders of rural entrepreneurship to initiate various projects. It will help in describing the role of Colleges and Universities in association with Gram Panchayat in starting various Rural Entrepreneurship Projects. This Conclave was designed for Head of Schools & Gram Panchayats of Punjab & Chandigarh, M.P’s, Vice Chancellors/ Directors of Universities/ National Institutes & Selected Teams of colleges of North India along with other representatives, policy makers, academic professionals, researchers, curriculum developers, entrepreneurs, industry representatives, government officials and officials from entrepreneurial support agencies
- Who we are | Yhif
About Young Hopes of India Foundation is working to regain the lost glory by working on the biggest problem of unemployment by channelizing the potential energy of world's largest youth population resulting in emergence of various new entrepreneurial ventures creating more employment opportunities. The aim is to give platform to all who really want to work in a positive and solution oriented environment. Our organisation strives to inculcate the giving back attitude in an individual and to make them release their responsibilities towards the society. Vision We seek to create a positive environment where everyone comes with a mindset to give and build Mission Bringing a change through transformation in education, rural development and skill development. Our Goals Citizens for Constructive Society One platform for positive, enthusiastic and constructive like minded people who believe in their duties, responsibilities and accountability towards the society. Focusing on the different factors of lifestyle such as education, fitness, skill set, exposure etc through an environment of camping. Focusing on the different factors of lifestyle such as education, fitness, skill set, exposure etc through an environment of camping. Personality Development Centres Focusing on the different factors of lifestyle such as education, fitness, skill set, exposure etc through an environment of camping. Teachers Trainings Exploring the Role of Teachers’ in current education system and in transformation of education. To develop a set of learning resources and practical experience in order to improve the education sector. Exploring the Role of Teachers’ in current education system and in transformation of education Research Projects Conducting research on various social and economic issues and finding solutions in order to develop policies that will lead to actual social transformation. To create knowledge that assist in framing policies. Rural development Fostering self-reliance in young people who live in remote locations. Emphasizing the strengths and energy of people in rural areas to develop a self sustaining system to control unemployment. Awareness Campaigns Touching the issues affecting the lifestyle of different age groups and demography. Focusing on raise the public understanding on important issues and to mobilize support to address issues.
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- Careers | Young Hopes Of India Foundation
CAREER T.E.A.M = Together Everyone Achieves More We seek candidates who share our values of staying focused, acting boldly, working with empathy, and being innovative. Young Hopes of India Foundation endorses equal employment opportunities and a friendly work environment. You are welcome to apply if you want to be a changemaker in society. VALUE PILLARS Inspiration Excellence Leadership Innovation Dedication Collaboration Execution Check Career opportunities with us. JOBS INTERN
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